About Us

Dear Colleagues,

The FFF as FFF-Carbon is back!

After a break due to the global pandemic, the Fossil Fuel Foundation is back – this time in the evolved form of the FFF-Carbon.

The FFF-C understands the need for the continued use of coal (and other pertinent fossil fuels) for energy generation, in a more modern, valid, credible, and responsible manner. The intention is to expand an informed and active community in support of the fossil fuels and carbon-related communities and the technical issues and policies surrounding them.

The Directors and ExCo are initiating new events and will provide additional services to FFF-C members and the community at large. Membership is welcomed from industry, academia, student bodies, scientific and technical SOEs, and government.

We wish to invite you to join the FFF-C and to participate in activities to ensure an informed, responsible, and sustainable community.

In this regard, please find the attached FFF-Carbon Charter, a list of Membership Benefits, and the Membership Form. Kindly return the Membership Form to angelique@fffcarbon.co.za.

We look forward to warmly welcoming you and your organisation as a Member of the FFF-C, and to your participation in this endeavour as well as your presence at forthcoming events.


VISION: The FFF Carbon (FFF-C) is an impartial, independent non-profit organisation which serves the techno-intellectual needs of the multidisciplinary fossil fuel and energy community in Africa through communication, information distribution, coordination, education, promotion, and networking.


  • Energy is key to social and economic development.
  • Fossil fuels will remain core in a mixed energy supply, supporting the transition to a low carbon economy.
  • The development of the non-electricity fossil fuel-based industries will extend coal, oil, and gas utilisation opportunities.


The FFF-C envisions its role

  • To provide a source of impartial information on fossil fuels, including all forms of coal, carbon, oil and gas, and including alternative and renewable energy sources insofar as they impact on the use of fossil fuels as a source of energy for the country.
  • To be the first point of reference on fossil fuels, their production, use, and environmental impacts, based on sound research, practical experience, and ethical commitment to the provisions of advice and guidance.



  • Is financially independent, drawing its funds from membership fees, conferences, workshops, seminars, webinars, courses, and projects.
  • Is impartial and rational, providing balanced views which reflect that stance.
  • May also provide specific well-informed views and/or statements drawn from specialists amongst its network which may not necessarily be those of the FFF-C.


The FFF-C is an association comprised of

  • Directors and an Executive Committee, supported by a Management team;
  • Specialist Committees in specific disciplines, topics, or themes;
  • Individual members, corporate members, and observers from associate organisations, all of which provides the necessary inclusivity.


The FFF-Carbon collaborates, engages, and partners with

Government; local, regional, and international organisations; the full spectrum of scientific, technical,

engineering and techno-economic communities engaged in energy; and research and secondary and

tertiary educational institutions.


The FFF-Carbon provides

  • information, communication, and education via techno-transfer through conferences, courses, colloquia, seminars, workshops, webinars.
  • networking, mentoring, and guidance along the fossil fuel value-chains, and related energy industries.
  • specific services or data drawn from specialists in key topics or disciplines for the purpose of developing media and journal articles, conferences, lectures, webinars, and courses.
  • coordination of projects of national concern and lobbying by accredited specialists.


Multi-pollutant Emission Technology - The solution

FFF Carbon Webinar
24, November 2023
1pm – 2pm

Recent Articles.